Bowie State University College of Arts and Humanities Building

The new CAH Building will contain multiple departments and programs that are currently accommodated within the existing Martin King Jr. (MLK) Center which will be demolished once construction of the new building is complete. Project objectives include providing state‐of‐the art flexible and collaborative learning environments; specialized media production facilities, class laboratories, and departmental learning resources; faculty and administrative space to support interdisciplinary activity; and a 1500‐seat assembly space to serve a wide variety of BSU activities.

The project will also incorporate advanced sustainability standards including those of the Maryland Green Building Council’s High Performance Green Building Program, consistent with BSU’s commitment to innovative environmental responsibility.

Serving as Associate Architects to Perkins & Will, Inc., KPN Architects provides critical support to the design team ranging from the Enabling Process, Production, FF&E and Construction Administration.

Client Bowie State University

Location Bowie, MD

Size 192,000 GSF / 107,500 NASF

Status Ongoing

Role Associate Architect

Mary Williams